
May 27, 2014

It's been a while since I've done a "Currently" on Decor-Eat. If you missed the first one, the idea is to post about things you’re thinking about and doing as a way to round up what's really inspired you or what you really enjoy recently.

Reading: Divergent, by Veronica Roth. I think it’s safe to say that I get every book recommendation from my sister. She teaches kids, and really has here ear to the ground on popular books. While I make regular trips to furniture and antique stores, she does the same with Barnes and Noble. If you aren’t familiar with the Divergent series, it’s similar to The Hunger Games in the sense that it’s about a dystopia society and the book explores the social and political structures through the eyes of a heroine. It’s been two days and I have about 50 pages left if that’s any indication.

Listening To: Ok try not to judge me on this one, but I was recently introduced to this mobile application called Frat Music. The app allows users to submit their own playlists, play any son you want as many times as you want and skip without a limit.

Thankful For: My new job, and how much I am enjoying being back in Atlanta. My friends and the long weekend spent visiting my favorite place, Pawleys Island, and of course my family.

Thinking About: Trying out my first upholstery project. I have wanted to try my hand at upholstery for a little over a year now and haven’t mustered up the courage to take the plunge. My parents are two arm less lounge chairs at home that desperately need reupholstering. I think my first step will be to see if the chair’s size and shape is a good fit for the new apartment.


Had Enough Of: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s wedding

Looking Forward To: Our upcoming week long vacation at Pawleys Island with the whole family including my nephew's first beach trip.

What's on your currently list? Comment below or link to your blog post.

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