Hump Day Home Makeover // Lovely Office Spaces

January 23, 2013

This week, Hump Day Home Makeover is back (I know you missed it), and what better way to kick it off this week's office edition than by featuring jewelry designer, Jennifer Fisher's, office space spotlighted in Matchbook Mag this month.

Isn't her space amazing? I love the eclectic mix of fashion and art work on her inspiration wall and muted walls mixed with the contrast of the black chair and white desk.

One of the reasons I love home decorating so much is because I've definitely noticed how much different spaces affect your mood, energy and even motivation. Keeping that in mind, your office decoration is EXTREMELY important whether your writing thank you notes (which I still need to do) or doing your job from a home office. My ideal office space is a mix of vintage, modern and traditional accents. 

Get the look:

Chinese Chippendale Chair (Wisteria) | Vintage Oak Card Catalog (Etsy) | Inspiration Board (Jennifer Fisher) | Hazy Skies Paint (Benjamin Moore)Lamp, Black (Lulu & Georgia) | Office Storage Boxes (Container Store) | Beverly Large Desk, White (High Fashion Home)  | Sven Leather Dining Chair (Dwell Studio) | Domino: The Book of Decorating (Anthropologie) | Rope What Indoor, Outdoor (Dash & Albert)

More office space inspiration:

1 comment:

  1. Wow- Thanks so much for introducing this office to me! That chandelier is insane! Love! New fan and follower here!

    I hope you can stop by GlamourMash sometime! Have a F-A-B weekend!

Holly Foxen Wells



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