Inspiration Junky // Style & Design #1

January 13, 2013

Olivia Palermo: I've been seeing Olivia Palermo's style influence pop up more and more in my daily web browsing or even shopping. After winning a giftcard from Piperlime the other month, I discovered Olivia's picks within their store. Turns out we have the same taste, because everything I liked happen to have a note that it was on her list.

Lamp: I am obsessed with the combination of white and gold. They are such a great complement to each other, and I love the mix of textures in this lamp. It's definitely made it to my wish list.

Shoes: I saw these shoes on Anthropologie's website the other day, and even though the thought of what these would look like after a few minutes on the NY sidewalk or subway, I had to share. The cutout heel detail is amazing.

Journal: This journal is my dream journal. For any of you journal writers, you will know what I'm talking about when I say this one of those journals that just feels good to write in (and if not, please refer to my earlier nerd reference).

Quote: I had to include this, because it's really something I always try to keep in mind and think to myself in any unpleasant situations.

Bag: Rag & Bone is my current favorite designer that I can't afford, but I had to share this bag because I love it's look and functionality. The fully open top makes it super easy to find things.

Matchstick Bangles: I've seen spoons, animal heads, snakes and more turned into bracelets, but I liked this clever idea of mixing gold and black to depict matchsticks.

Please feel free to share anything that inspires you in the comments!

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