Drink Recipe // Kentucky Derby Mint Julep

May 04, 2012

The 138th Annual Kentucky Derby is this Saturday, and at my house that means it's Mint Julep making time! With my mom growing up in Kentucky, the Derby is a big deal. She swears by making your mint juleps the day before so your ingredients have time to mix together to make the perfect mint julep for your Derby day.

Ingredients (modify recipe for multiple drinks)
Bourbon (I prefer Woodford Reserve)
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1/4 pack of fresh mint
Shaved Ice
Mint Julep cup(s)

Add 1 cup of sugar to 1 cup of heated water to help sugar dissolve, and stir to create simple syrup. Mull mint (leave some mint to the side in order to garnish cup tomorrow) with simple syrup. Add desired amount of bourbon. Place mixture in refrigerator and let sit over night. Prepare mint garnish and shaved ice in mint julep cup. Poor drink over ice and add mint.

Serve hors d'oeuvres and some light gambling ;)

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