Online Shop Spotlight // Sosie + Peplum Tops

June 05, 2012

Today my roommate showed me this online site that I really love - sosie - cute, patterned clothes and cheap! For those of you who saw my Derby Day pics they have a chevron topped dressed with coral skirt! (aqua coming soon?? not sure, but the coral is cute too).

more dresses I love...

...and necklaces:

1. geo stone necklace small in jade  | 2. cambria necklace  | 3. blue stripe link necklace 

In addition to sosies, I wanted to share my new favorite trend for spring - peplum tops! I love the outfits Blair from Atlantic-Pacific and Patrycja from Daisy's Heels have created with them. (I even bought my first top today from ASOS, another great online shop for cheaper fashion with free delivery and returns, shown in the last image on the right).

via Daisy Heels

via Atlantic - Pacific blog

left | center | right

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1 comment:

  1. I am obsessed with Sosie! They have excellent customer service as well. Might have to pick up the zig zag tank dress!


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