upcycled / bottles to container garden

May 18, 2013

Have you noticed an influx of gardening DIYs recently? Terrariums, hanging gardens and upcycled container gardens seem to be popping up everywhere. If you've read decor-eat before you know I am obsessed with terrariums, but I am also really into the idea of upcycling where you turn waste materials or used products into something with a new purpose. 

This upcycle project has been my favorite I've seen so far because it solves a problem I'm having with my current plants. The projects uses old inverted bottles that actually water your plants as they need it. With CT and I living in different cities, there are definitely weekends where my plants go unwatered. Just this weekend, I came home to a near death basil plant that I am shocked perked back up after water (it was that bad). These containers are a perfect solve for herbs, which I love to have on hand for cooking in my kitchen.

Steps here on Design Sponge. 

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