hump day home makeover / diy miss to marvelous link up

May 08, 2013

Have you ever started a DIY project, gotten half way through and realized it wasn't going to work out the way you wanted? Or, even worse finished the project and hated it? As a serial DIY-er, I've had my fair share of projects gone wrong. And as a blogger, get even more bummed out when it doesn't turn out well and I have nothing to share with you all. Which made me think, why don't we share them? This week's Hump Day Home Makeover, I'm kicking off a new link up for those of you who want to join me in sharing DIY projects gone wrong & what you learned or gone wrong and turned right through a whole new idea. Link up here or scroll down!

For my latest DIY endeavor, I took a stab at adding wallpaper to cover the white tracks of my elfa shelves. It was a total miss. I think the pattern is wrong for the place. So here's what I did. I took my picture frame, the foam board used for the backing of the bookshelf and the decorative paper and turned them into a new tray for my bar. The green wood grain printed paper goes a lot better in this instance, and I love how the greens and pinks complement each other.

I have a new obsession with pink peonies. Here's the bouquet I put together, but I have no idea what the other flowers are. The man who owns the shop below my apartment talked me out of the flowers I wanted to buy and into these.

IKEA cabinet (dicontinued); similar | Mint Painting (homemade) | Pitcher (One Kings Lane); similar | Antler | Slate Bottle Tags | Picture Frame Used As Tray | Wine Glasses | Champagne Glasses | Rug

Have a DIY miss you made marvelous or a tip from a miss you want to share?! It's easy to link up...just write a post about your project with what you learned or how you made it right. You could be featured in next week's Hump Day Home Makeover!


  1. Cute blog, I liked your DIY hit or miss post, so I clicked around to find that I like a lot of your stuff! You have a great eye for color! I'm following you now! Looking forward to your stuff! :)
    Kim M

  2. i love this! talk about making lemonade out of lemons! great turnaround! love love love

    1. Thanks Heather! I'm exciting the materials from the first DIY didn't go to waste!

  3. I know a perfect jar that would be great next to this bar cart! Tuscan jar


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