inaugural friday's fancies / neon chartreuse

April 19, 2013

This week, I am finally joining in on Long Distance Loving's Friday's Fancies fun (try saying that 5 times fast). Up this week? Neon!

I picked neon chartreuse because nothing can make a girl love the color more than a pale girl who can't wear it. Thank goodness for accessories.

Trend to hop on this spring? Skinny camo jeans with a slouchy chartreuse sweater.

If it's at all possible, I fell in love with Phillip Lim bags a little bit more this week after discovering the "31 hour bag." It just made a quick sprint to the top of my tax return treat list. A bag designed for those who fit 31 hours into one day, me? I have to have it.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! In case you missed it, I'm off to Virginia for a nursery decorating extravaganza. I'll be sharing our finds and projects this weekend on Instagram. Follow along @decoreat.



  1. This totally makes camo look cute! I typically stray away from it and lean towards girly prints, but this could work! Thanks!

    1. Totally agree - I went out on a limb and bought a camo jacket recently. Now all I need are some chartreuse pants!

  2. Welcome to FF! Loving this look girly!

    1. Thanks!! Such a fun Friday tradition you all have going on!

  3. I'm with you - definitely cannot pull off chartreuse with my pale skin and dark brown hair but I love it as an accessory color! You found some great pieces!


    1. Thanks! Accessories is definitely a way to try the color out. I'm also thinking about wearing the bright color on my legs and then wearing a more flattering color for my skin around my face.


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