april showers bring may flowers & trench coats?

April 11, 2013

Being outside for more than 30 seconds on my way to work is a new thing for me. Throw in rain and we've got a whole new animal. People in Atlanta hardly walk even 20 feet to get in their cars every morning, avoid the outdoors like the plague when it's raining and only take our version of the subway (which is pretty much like the L line) to Braves games. Needless to say, I'm a bit behind on the trench coat rain gear craze, and am pleasantly surprised by how the style has improved since my last rain coat, a red L.L. Bean windbreaker circa the 1990s.

What I am loving about trench coats for this time of the year is how they are truly made for the weather. They are lightweight and perfect for a 50-60 degree day and make rain boots look more fashionably sound by adding a put together look to any rain ready outfit. I'm also pleasantly surprised to see what brands have done with rain shoes. Forget messing with how to style goulashes. Last but not least, I am still a huge fan of the clear umbrella after spotting it what, some ten years ago? on SATC. To the Charlottes out there, you know what I'm talking about.


  1. Yes! I've been looking for the perfect trench. There's so chic and perfect for Spring.

    1. There are also some great (and affordable) ones at Target! I just got a cute black one with white trim from there and love it!

  2. I so agree - trench coats are person for the season. I still need to get one!
    Isn’t That Charming.

    1. I've been wearing mine non-stop since I got it last week! Definite must-have.

  3. I have a black & white striped trench coat that I just love, but I'm hoping to add a classic one to my closet soon!

  4. Love that trench coat with the coral trim!

  5. I definitely need to add a trench coat to my wardrobe! I love the trim on that one.


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