Hump Day Home Makeover - Bathroom Organization

April 24, 2013

The trick to staying organized and keeping a space clean is having a place to put everything. While I'm still trying to tackle this with my small NY closet, I'm translating this tactic to the bathroom. This week's hump day home makeover is all about ideas on how to make more of your bathroom space! I'm dying to have a cabinet with glass doors for my bathroom storage, but unfortunately the space just isn't there. Instead I've taken advantage of my nooks and crannies and put shelves up pretty much anywhere they will fit and use woven baskets and a toiletries tray for storage.

What are your bathroom space saver or storage tricks?

cabinet image | tray image | silver tray | shelves image | bart cart | towels | woven baskets


  1. I love your organization ideas! the bathroom is always hard to organize.
    Following your blog on GFC :)
    Suzanne from written by suzanne

    1. Thanks Suzanne. Totally agree baskets are a must!

  2. Thank you for sharing to us.there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.


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