friday's fancies / summer inspiration

June 21, 2013

You may remember hearing of Kate Upton last year when pretty much every guy you knew was ogling over her on the cover of Sports Illustrated. From a girl's perspective, she looked like every other topless blonde I had seen adorning the cover. 

And then she was on the cover of Vogue...

Have you and your friends ever joked about the difference in dressing for girls versus boys? 
Let me fill you in, trending rompers = dressing for girls, bodycon dresses = dressing for boys. 
Ok, now that you're caught up Kate Upton some how managed to pull off a look for both men and women in a way that feels very Marilyn Monroe. 
Man, Vogue is good.

I'm obsessing over her blonde bob and faded frames for summer. 
I don't think I can pull off as short as her bob is, but I love this shoulder length blonde blunt cut for summer.

And these faded frames.

What do you think - splurge or steal?

Linking up with Long Distance Loving's Friday's Fancies

Vogue photos by Mario Testino, Vogue Magazine
Blonde bob photos - top left | top right | middle left | bottom right | bottom left | bottom middle


  1. love the retro summer pics... inspires me to do something with my hair today! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

    1. I hear you! I just got my hair cut shorter in a blunt cut and love it. Now I just have to convince myself I don't need to splurge on the glasses...

  2. Those are gorgeous pics! And I love both pair of sunglasses; I would take either the splurge or the steal!


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