What was the last item you knew on the spot you had to have?

January 29, 2013

It's been a long time since I let myself make an impulse buy, but I will say I highly recommend it.

Today was one of those days where you crank through a few cups of coffee, scarf your lunch in 5 mins, and then all of the sudden it's 7PM and you're asking where did today go?? On these days, I say - online shop (as if you need another excuse).

I saw this camo jacket on Pinterest, and immediately called the 5th Ave Free People store to see if I could pick it up tonight. Am I a marketer's dream or what!?! Check, they had it in stock and on hold before it even hit their floor = instant mood booster.

And as my co-worked would say "forget chicken soup for the soul, fashion for the soul."



  1. I did the same thing with the ballet/tulle skirt from Anthropologie this past fall-I saw it and wanted it, but couldn't justify it. THEN I saw it on a blog at work one day, fell in love all over again, called three Anthros til I ended up on the phone with the one in SoHo, and picked it up that night (along with a dress I saw the second I walked in, but that's another story...). Sometimes, it's TOTALLY justified! I'll be rocking my skirt at least once, okay probably twice, during NYFW.

    Blonde in this City

    1. I know exactly what skirt you're talking about! I saw it in the window on the 5th ave store and had to go in to see it. LOVE Anthro!


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