Do Work - Decor-Eat Is Getting A Makeover

October 15, 2013

Oh the glamorous life of blogging...

This week, I am working on a site redesign! I think this is chalking up to be one of my favorite parts about blogging. Designing the page and pretending like I know how to html code. ha. I am being totally stubborn and refusing to buy a pre-made template and conquering coding on my we'll see how that turns out.
These tutorials from Net Tuts + have been really helpful! Phase 1 | Phase 2

In other news this week, did you know there's a site where you can create your own font?? It's actually pretty cool. You go to, download the template, fill it out with your handwriting, scan it into the computer and submit it.

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing this week's Hump Day Home Makeover feature of conquering clutter in your bathroom! Much like this...


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