Art / West Elm's Clinton Friedman

July 02, 2013

I am a huge fan of botanical designs in decor, and recently discovered South African artist, Clinton Friedman at West Elm. His art and textiles and bold, beautiful and intriguing based upon photographs of Cape Town's native flora and fauna. The striking colors and intricate details draw your eye to them in every room. These prints are to die for and I'm thinking I have to have one (or two) for my campaign wall, now it's just deciding which one! I'm also really loving his floral pillows and floor cushions. If I had a screened-in porch I would be all about a rattan couch, the classic botanical flower pillows and floor cushion! 

// artichoke //
// aloe root //
// succulent //
// aloe plant //

What do you think pillows or art prints? 

image sources 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5  

1 comment:

  1. Ooo,Corbin!! I don't know!! It's almost impossible to choose. (I'm also like the worst decider ever.) I'm redoing my sunporch right now and I know I definitely want lilac and purple florals so these are extra appealing because they are exactly the style I am going for in that room and they are all so, so pretty. I think maybe prints if I really had to print. Those poofs are just awesome though too. Agony. ;)


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