Inspiration Junky #5 // Fashion & Decor

February 12, 2013

Fashion Week's focus on Fall lines has rubbed off on me and this week I am surprisingly dreaming about not Spring weather, but Fall.  With the weekend's snow finally melting and a new snow storm on the way this weekend, I'll bargain for cool weather.

I'm loving Rag & Bone's leather coats, and hoping Tartan makes a come back at some point. And as always, I'm still loving gold glam and Jillian Michaels' DVDs. I'm a huge yoga fan, but love a faster paced Vinyasa to add some cardio in the mix.

Here's to a great week!

gold chandelier - Zinc Door // tartan outfit - Seams for a Desire // crescent ring - Anthropologie // hunter boots - zappos // NYFW Rag & Bone // chanel print - etsy // yoga meltdown - jillian michaels 


  1. I don't think I got the memo that tartan was out (whoopsie!).. you should just start the tartan come back movement.. don't wait for it to happen!

    1. Haha a great point. I wore one of my favorite green tartan dresses around this weekend that I forgot I had! Bringing it back.


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